Sharing Files. . .

Sharing files online for collaboration is THE common #workflow these days. Working in different rooms, with different producers and engineers and artists all for the same project has become the new standard for making pop music. If you are collaborating and need to share your files via the internet, there’s some really simple steps that can make for a HUGE difference in making sure your files make it there okay, and set the receiving party up for success.⠀

First, when preparing your files to send out make sure it’s EVERYTHING you’ll need to send. If it’s a session, just make sure to do a session copy that copies all audio files so nothing is left behind, and if you are freezing any MIDI or other tracks for compatibility across sessions, just make sure that it rendered in place. ⠀

Once you have a full project ready, zip that up before uploading….it makes a huge difference in upload time and possible errors in an upload. For good measure, include the most recent stereo ruff mix (mp3 is fine) so the other side can listen to it and compare. An app like Stuffit Destinations or Keka is a solid way to make sure you don't get any errors in the zip stage. ⠀

Once you’ve got your zip file handy, use a solid file transfer app that DOESN’T require the recipient to have an account or log in just to get the files. I might catch heat on this, but Dropbox sharing is the worst. I don’t want to have to have a login/pro account/etc to get something YOU are trying to send ME. Make it easy-use a free app like #WeTransfer or SendSpace so all the end user has to do is click a link. With WeTransfer, you even get email receipts so you know when your collaborator has everything. ⠀

It all seems really obvious to just “send somebody files”, but a little extra effort to make sure everything is included, zipped together and named clearly, has a reference mix to check parts, and point of contact can make the difference in a smooth hand-off, or the beginning of a huge email thread trying to chase down parts. Your collaborators will be happy you took the time to get them set up for success and keep everything running smooth!

Brad Haralson